Peyton Kilgower, Contributor

Peyton Kilgower

When she’s not digging holes and swinging through tombs (we promise not literally), Peyton is often found with her headphones on listening to the absolute chaos that is her ‘Liked Songs’ playlist.

Coming from a family of singer-songwriters, she was welcomed into a world of many different music genres and has developed a love for all kinds of different music. Her free time (and money) is spent at various festivals and concerts enjoying the atmosphere of everyone in one space, all listening to/experiencing the same thing.

There are no clear-cut favorites when it comes to the music Peyton listens to, instead often choosing to repeat the same one song over and over and over until she becomes sick of it. Oh, except for every single Howard Shore Lord of the Rings album…. those will forever be in the god tier in her eyes.