Album Review: Radical Face - The Family Tree: The Leaves

21 March 2016 | 4:23 pm | Carley Hall

"The Florida native once again regales and revels in acoustic strums, atmospheric beats and multi-tracked vocals, which is what the man does best."

More Radical Face More Radical Face

Ben Cooper, aka Radical Face, returns with the latest, and last, incarnation of his saga, The Family Tree: The Leaves.

The Florida native once again regales and revels in acoustic strums, atmospheric beats and multi-tracked vocals, which is what the man does best. It would just be nice if the songs, such as opener Secrets (Cellar Door) and A Ship In Port, did more with the airy, ambient builds than just float away into oblivion. Rivers In The Dust and Midnight thankfully offer up something a bit dark and different, with moody instrumentation and some memorable storytelling.