Album Review: Point Noir - Any Way The Wind Carries

21 March 2016 | 4:22 pm | Paul Barbieri

"The Swedish hard-rock, three-piece band have produced 12 chugging, mid-tempo guitar tracks that aspire to be anthems."

More Port Noir More Port Noir

A new album is usually a nice way to end a long day, but that certainly wasn't the case with Port Noir's second release Any Way The Wind Carries.

The Swedish hard-rock, three-piece have produced 12 chugging, mid-tempo guitar tracks that aspire to be anthems. The main problem, though, is that throughout every track Love Andersson sings unrelentingly at the top of his lungs about his feelings, meaning the band fails to nail one memorable, cathartic chorus. To be fair, the title track opener is really promising with some neat guitar melodies, but it's quickly downhill from there for a band that still seems to be a work in progress.