
22 April 2015 | 6:58 pm | Jordan Shea

"Once again Red Line has triumphed in staging gripping, solid and energetic theatre."

Once again Red Line has triumphed in staging gripping, solid and energetic theatre in what is now a hotspot on the Australian arts scene, the Old Fitz. The fairly dour premise is built around two very different brothers, one a criminal, the other afraid of the outside world. They’re played stupendously by Andrew Henry and Aaron Glenane respectively. It’s a rather unique perspective on family ties, and as the story develops, you find yourself questioning whether this may be happening in your own backyard.

Danny Adcock plays Harold, a businessman who the brothers hold to ransom. The character development of Harold is rather glorious, and Adcock does the role justice through to the very end. 

David Stalley’s sound design is instrumental in adding atmosphere, while Matt Cox’s lighting design is suitably grim. Accents across the board are steady, their nuances anchoring the show to add just the little bit more of authenticity. We found ourselves feeling for everyone on stage and understanding why people go the extremes they do, and perhaps also why they feel pushed to their limits.