Album Review: Jodi Phillis - Becoming

15 October 2018 | 11:15 am | Rebecca Nosiara

"Pop hooks and interesting melodies have always been Phillis' strong point, along with her dreamy voice, and those are the things that shine on this album."

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Jodi Phillis’ decade-spanning career has seen her release music with several bands, most notably with ‘90s indie-pop group The Clouds, but she’s also made heaps of solo albums too. 2018’s Becoming, her latest offering, is a folk-pop, experimentally-tinged, Pozible-funded ode to her late parents, love, life and everything in between.

Featuring more than a dash of mystical flute, acoustic guitar and piano, it would be easy to sort Becoming into the new-age section of the record store. But ‘60s gospel vocals and Beach Boys-esque cinematic strings add the right point of difference to Phillis’ fifth studio album. Pop hooks and interesting melodies have always been Phillis' strong point, along with her dreamy voice, and those are the things that shine on this album.

It seems inevitable that a record like this would veer into country music, which it does on the sixth track Truth And The Way. Gotta Feel Alright also sees Phillis unsuccessfully trying her hand at the blues. Becoming won’t be for everyone, but for those who love chilled-out songs, interesting instrumentation, and personal lyrics that meditate on the little things in life, it will appeal.