Album Review: Harry Hookey - Sometimes

20 November 2013 | 10:00 am | Ross Clelland

Hookey’s got a real – but not oppressively – Australian voice to be heard. Real good business.

While somewhere under that catch-all banner of 'folk', this is not Mumford-esque diddly-aye sing-alongs. Hookey's is the darker stuff, born of punk and Dylan in various ratios. He's searching for a Lovin' Touch, but it's through broken-bottled streets in the 'burbs last Friday, rather than on the way to trouble at mill. The howl of Misdiagnosed is heading towards something of The Drones terrain, but he leavens it with the bit more hopeful and wistful Where I'll Be Found. In all that, Hookey's got a real – but not oppressively – Australian voice to be heard. Real good business.