Live Review: Client Liaison

7 May 2014 | 4:51 pm | Monique Sebire

Monte opened the gig by telling the fans, “Let’s make this a night to remember”; judging by the vibe in the room come closing time, it’s safe to say that that wasn’t be a problem.

More Client Liaison More Client Liaison

Any lucky punter who heads to a Client Liaison gig can be guaranteed two things: the overwhelming desire to bust a move, and a level of nostalgia so high one would be forgiven for believing they'd passed through the doors of Sydney's Goodgod Small Club and into a late 1980s disco time warp.

The Melbourne duo have gained a loyal following in recent years for their unique shows, often accompanied by such '80s cliché props as water coolers, fax machines and various propaganda from now-defunct brands such as Sizzler and notably, Ansett, which has become something of a Client Liaison signature. Their act harks back to an era that predates most of their fans' existence, laden with mullets, shoulder pads and most importantly, synths.

However, putting their music down to some kind of parody piece doesn't do the band justice. An undeniable element of their music is its dead-on pop sensibilities, with multilayered beats and chords so catchy it's a challenge to stand still. Whilst reminiscent of the likes of The Pet Shop Boys, George Michael and Deep Forest, Client Liaison are not to be dismissed as a tribute act, as anyone present would testify.

Dripping in Australiana, complete with didgeridoo and kookaburra samples, End Of The Earth sent the audience wild, with strobe lights and smoke machines so fierce it was almost impossible to capture all of lead man Monte Morgan's impressive moves. Groove The Physical started with a strip down to his bare chest and ended in a choreographed dance with co-pilot, Harvey Miller.

A brief costume change to a mesh top preceded the closer and crowd favourite, Free Of Fear. Monte opened the gig by telling the fans, “Let's make this a night to remember”; judging by the vibe in the room come closing time, it's safe to say that that wasn't a problem.