Album Review: Burning Love - Rotten Thing To Say

28 June 2012 | 1:17 pm | Lochlan Watt

The 14-track ride kicks off with some seriously fun dual guitar wails over the top of a classic punk rock drum and bass combo...

Deceased Canadian group Cursed were an incredible force in underground hardcore during their reign in the '00s. Their cynical, biting and completely clever vocalist Chris Colohan moved on to Burning Love shortly after their untimely demise, so comparisons were always going to be unavoidable. Subsequent disappointment was another inevitable factor.

Burning Love have since established their own sound over the course of various releases, and Rotten Thing To Say, the band's second album, completely succeeds at establishing the group as their own entity. The 14-track ride kicks off with some seriously fun dual guitar wails over the top of a classic punk rock drum and bass combo, and it's not long before Colohan's gruff neck is spitting out cold hard shards of reality over bombastic hardcore that feels closer to classic rock'n'roll than punk or metal.

While the aesthetic remains undeniably dark, it's quite clear that things are looking up for Colohan. The 'life sucks and then you die' element remains, but it feels like it's receding somewhat in favor of 'life sucks so you may as well have a good time'. Rotten Thing To Say allows groove and killer leads to direct its songs, with heaviness felt in totally rocking riffs and song structures that still defy convention. Religion, relationships, and the music industry will get you down – but only if you let them. Burning Love have seemingly triumphed over their demons, and delivered an incredibly catchy release that will stick in your head for days. This is all without even slightly compromising the pure grit of their hardcore intention, despite the fact that it's geared more towards air guitars than it is circle pits.