Live Review: Body Type, Elizabeth, Waterfall Person

8 July 2019 | 1:28 pm | Alicia Ogley

"Who wouldn’t want to join in on the fun?"

More Body Type More Body Type

Waterfall Person starts the night with a set full of quirkiness and humour. The music itself is lo-fi electronic and child-like pop with transcendent keys. Annabelle Kingston makes a few mistakes throughout her set but laughs them off with quick jokes. Her wittiness isn’t the best thing about her set though, her adorably awkward dance moves light up the room! She finishes with a cover of Ricky Martin’s Livin’ La Vida Loca and forgets some of the lyrics, but it doesn’t kill the joyfulness in the air.

Elizabeth warms up the crowd with her angelic voice and heartfelt songs. Best known as the lead singer and songwriter of Totally Mild, Elizabeth Mitchell is going solo and her emotional lyrics take the wheel on this Saturday night. A mixture of slow and fast songs to satisfy people waiting for the headliner. 


Elizabeth. Photos by Kikki MacLeod.

As the disco ball spins around above the packed room, Body Type take their places. Tonight is the second show of their EP2 tour, which will be their only Australian headline tour this year. Free To Air is their first song of the night and the deep, dreamy vocals and spiralling guitar sounds make for a great start. Teeth, from their self-titled debut EP, starts with throbbing drums and ends with Sophie McComish’s high vocals reaching maximum magnitude. Georgia Wilkinson-Derums’ bass comes out in full force during Uma. The song is dark, tough, grungy and full of smirky vocals. Arrow is another highlight of the night with a pop-rock blow-up and angsty, fun delivery from the vocalists.

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Body Type. Photos by Kikki MacLeod.

The Sydney-based band are in full swing as they perform another melancholy song, Dry Grass, lyrics like “The colour of the grass didn’t change while I was away/Time only shows in the lines on your face” contrasting with Annabel Blackman's bright guitar chords. McComish and Wilkinson-Derums dance back to back, their energy bouncing off each other. McComish heads over to Blackman towards the end of the song and briefly gets her hair stuck in the tuning keys of Blackman’s guitar. Luckily, her hair isn’t too tangled and the next song, Stingray, blasts through the speakers. McComish jumps in excitement and nearly falls into Cecil Coleman’s drum kit. That was a close one! A sea of heads nod along to the lively, sparkling guitars notes. McComish sings the intro to Ludlow, “Do you believe in karma? Do ya? Do ya...” - and there’s happiness in the air as the much-loved song plays. 2 6 4 is a treat as an encore, reaching a new level of energy to close the night. Body Type are the hottest newcomers in Australia, who wouldn’t want to join in on the fun?