Live Review: Andy Bull

4 May 2015 | 2:55 pm | Alice Bopf

More Cub Sport More Cub Sport

Cub Sport were tasked with opening proceedings at The Brightside and, for a while, they seemed like the main show rather than a support act.

olding their own with the growing crowd, the local four-piece drifted through various indie-pop gems with ease and charm. Standout tunes were the larger part of the set, though noteworthy inclusions were the cruisy Told You So, not to mention the stellar rendition of Drunk In Love and Crazy In Love by Beyoncé and Jay Z, performed in medley with not too much sass. Overall, a set that brought these young locals into their element.

In the now-packed Brightside, many voices, arms and charging beers are at the ready for Mr Andy Bull. As he bounds on stage, the voices get louder and he’s visibly chuffed. “How are you doing, Brisbane?” he opens, and he and the band dive straight into an electro harmonic, entrancing tune to melt the senses. A pop-infused set ensues, easy to listen to and entertaining to watch. It’s a very complex list of tracks done well that appear incredibly simple, easy and fun.

Between each track the audience calls out lovingly and often demandingly, requesting songs they know to be coming and for signs of affection. Sure enough, old favourites like Phantom Pains and Dog with Lisa Mitchell make their appearances in amongst the newer hits Baby I Am Nobody Now and the album’s crowning number, Talk Too Much. After pretty pointed commentary from the crowd, the band do the opening notes of their classic Like A Version cover of Everybody Wants To Rule The World and the audience swells and sings in united yells.

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Just when it seems the admiration is at an all-time high, the band says their pseudo goodnights and abandons ship, only to come back sooner than expected for their encore. Thankfully, Keep On Running is not far away, rounding out a top drawer evening from some of the east coast’s finest.