REVIEW: liveconformdie - 'Help Yourself'

8 April 2022 | 11:00 am | Lili Jean Berry
Originally Appeared In

"This song is the culmination of going down that dark path, finally facing the memories that you've twisted, contorted and over-analysed for months on end. It's about finally coming to terms with the fact that even people who tell you they love you, can turn on you, tear you down and try to convince you that you're the problem. It's about moving on and not being stuck in someone else’s game. It's about helping yourself. Even if that means treading water in the deep end for a little while."

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Beats. Phat beats. That’s the first thought you’ll have when this track kicks in. The heavily warped vocals are moody throughout the whole first verse. When the guitar and the chorus kick in, the song changes pace and starts to get a heavier vibe. It’s when verse two kicks in that you’re like "FUCK YEAH, there it is".

We know how much I love a song build.

It comes back into a muted clean vocal throughout the second chorus & it’s when the vibe takes you in before it just drops off completely. Very quiet vocals echo and the song is building all over again. Is it going to be a breakdown? HELL YEAH, IT IS! Far out this track slaps. It finishes on a very heavy note. HUGE!

All throughout the song there is this grungy electronic hook that plays from start to finish. It’s a nice 'out of the box' moment and a great new step for the band. I’m getting new age Northlane vibes & I ain’t mad about it

Check out the video HERE:

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If you haven't come across "liveconformdie" (AKA Conform) yet - what ARE you doing? They formed in late 2015: a righteous blend of genres, drawing inspiration from the roots of modern metal and 90’s/00’s nü-metal - and from inception, have always been in tune with a very niche aesthetic, musically and visually. Visual artistry is just as important to liveconformdie as the music.

That DIY ethic extends to the music - everything is written and produced in house at Jez’s studio. They have an authentic, no BS attitude. They don’t give a fuck about gate-keeping. They believe in putting out music that’s true to them and their values.

VERY keen to see where liveconformdie go in 2022! Help Yourself is out now - grab it at!