The End Is Nigh For Brand New

3 June 2016 | 11:43 am | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

Brand New have pretty much confirmed that they will no longer exist after 2018 via totally unambiguous merch design.

Brand New have pretty much confirmed that they will no longer exist after 2018 via totally unambiguous merch design

The band posted a photo of a swanky new T-shirt up for grabs to their Facebook page. The shirt features a floral design of a cross on a dark shirt with the simple inscription: "2000-2018". Unless you're one of those hundreds of millions illegal and dangerous and illiterate refugees coming to "tak ar jebs", the message is clear. Brand New will not be a band come 2018.

Take a look for yourself.


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The pioneers of girlfriend-death-threat-core were pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, simply captioning the image:

"Three new designs are now available on our store."

You can go grab the shirt here for the low price of $25USD plus "your soul and everything you have ever loved" for postage to Australia.

This news came just a few weeks after dropping the certified banger of a tune that is 'I Am A Nightmare'. As such, some fans were justifiably upset.

brand new fan upset 2



brand new fan upset 1




Other's were obviously not handling the news very well and resorted to lashing out at the band.

brand new fan savage



A savage Mark.

If one thing is for certain, it's that this impending album has a lot of hype surrounding it and will be the defining factor of this band's legacy. However, if the two most recent songs, 'Mene and aforementioned 'I Am A Nightmare' are anything to go off, it's sure to be one hell of a record.

When 2018 rolls around, we will definitely miss The Jesse Lacey and Three Other Random Guys Experience.