
25 February 2013 | 2:30 am | Staff Writer
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Last week we interviewed Pennsylvania's Anchorhead, and now we are bringing you an interview with the band who accompanied them on their recent split release, Virginia Beach's Cardinal. The split is available now through Either/Or Records, which in the past has uncovered the likes of Citizen, Maker and Settle For Less. The band's guitarist Nick answered a few questions for us.

Last week we interviewed Pennsylvania's Anchorhead, and now we are bringing you an interview with the band who accompanied them on their recent split release, Virginia Beach's Cardinal. The split is available now through Either/Or Records, which in the past has uncovered the likes of Citizen, Maker and Settle For Less. The band's guitarist Nick answered a few questions for us.

Start off by stating your name, your role in Cardinal and your favourite band of all time?

My name is Nick and I play guitar in Cardinal. My favorite band is Crime In Stereo.

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Cardinal are still relatively unknown in Australia at the moment, can you give us a quick rundown of the history of the band?

All of us have played in various bands together over the past couple of years. We started to play together as Cardinal in late 2011 and released our demo in March of 2012. We started playing shows and writing new songs shortly afterwards. We toured with Flawless (Springfield, MO) this past Winter and released our split with Anchorhead through Either/Or Records and Loud Mouth Magazine in January of this year.

Your split release with Anchorhead was released at the beginning of January, how are you feeling now that these tracks are out there for everyone to hear?

I feel great about them. Those songs have been finished for quite some time now and it feels awesome that everyone can finally listen to them.

What was the writing and recording process like for these songs?

We had the basic structures of the new songs before the idea of the split was ever presented. We worked out the kinks and made sure everyone was happy with the way they came out sounding. Recording them was awesome. We tracked them with Jake Clarke at Lonely Road Studios. He helped us out and was really enjoyable to work with. Bill Henderson at Azimuth Mastering mastered the songs and they came out sounding great.

What made you want to release the split with Anchorhead?

Anchorhead started working with Either/Or at the same time we did. Shortly after, Rob presented the idea to us and it worked out.

You released the split through Either/Or Records. How did the partnership with Rob and the label fall into place?

Rob contacted us after we released our demo. He had some good ideas that he wanted to help us out with and we all agreed on it.

What is the band planning on releasing next? Do you have many songs written for it so far?

Different things are up in the air right now, but yes, we have songs written for whatever it ends up as.

What has been your favourite show that you have played, and favourite show that you have attended so far this year?

We played Richmond recently with Boxer, Eyes Wide and Spirit Animal. Definitely my favorite to play/attend this year.

Do you have any goals that you would like to achieve with this band?

To put new songs out and tour as much as possible.

Who are some bands that have impressed you lately that we should be checking out?

Boxer and Eyes Wide. They're doing a split 7" later this year. Those bands are awesome.

What are the band’s plans for the rest of the year now that the split has been released?

We are doing a weekend tour at the end of March with Anchorhead and Boxer, we have plans to record, and will hopefully be touring this summer.

Thanks for doing the interview, any last words or shout outs?

Thanks to Rob Hackert, Joe Bues, Jake Clarke and Anchorhead.