Shifter: Cover Up.

29 April 2002 | 12:00 am | Eden Howard
Originally Appeared In

Tools Of The Trade.

More Ingo More Ingo

Shifter launch Always at The Healer on Wednesday.

With the constant exposure Michael Nason is subject too with his busking gig, it’s not surprising his own material is quite simply breathtaking. Think classic British invasion pop, throw in even more massive harmonies and you’ve some idea of what to expect as the band launch their Always single on Wednesday night.

“I find that just listening to classic pop music with fantastic hooks and melodies and great lyrics is a great starting point to work from,” Michael explains. “It’s informed pop music with great hooks and stuff. You can’t help but be influenced just playing that sort of stuff.”

Has it taken much time to hone your song writing skills to the point you are at now?

“Well I always thought I wrote good songs,” he jokes. “It’s like anything, you progress and practice makes perfect, so the songs I wrote three years ago I don’t feel are as good as the ones I’m writing now.”

The tracks that make up the release have been in their final form for some time now. A problem when the band continues to evolve and new songs continue to be written.

“We actually finished the recording in December. You save all your money for recording and then realise you need money for mastering and production, so you have to save up again. We did that, and we’ve had it back for about a month now.”

“We’ve done quite a few new tracks since then. I think it’s something that every band struggles with, more so as they continue on and get bigger and bigger. It’s just something that you deal with.”

If you’re in attendance at the launch gig you may also have a chance to influence the direction the set takes.

“I’m all jittery about the launch. I can’t wait for it to happen. We’re pulling out all the stops. We’ll probably bring out a bit of an old live favourite, which is a covers challenge. We’ll take any request from the audience and give them a verse and a chorus.”

Be sure not to ask for Led Zeppelin’s classic Stairway To Heaven…

“Jesus, no. Look we’re happy for people to ask, but we will have security throw them out.”

‘Nuff said.