Seafood: Under The Sea.

14 October 2002 | 12:00 am | Eden Howard
Originally Appeared In

Fight Club.

Seafood play The Zoo on Friday and the Big Top Stage at Livid at the RNA Showgrounds on Saturday.

London based quartet Seafood have hit Brisbane early, and are spending a week gearing up for their Aussie tour. Cloaking, the first single from When Do We Start Fighting stormed it’s way up the Triple J playlist, winning the band some well deserved accolades along the way. Since the release of When Do We Start Fighting, the band have parted ways with guitarist Charles Macleod, replaced by Kev Penney, and now the four members are currently enjoying the afternoon sunshine at Ric’s café. Caroline, the band’s drummer, is busy focussing her mental energy on bending spoons.

“We’re going to make a lot of money out of this,” jokes frontman David.

If you get to be as good as Uri Geller you can hang out with Michael Jackson…

“That’s it. It’s a backdoor to get in with Michael Jackson so we can go on his funpark,” Kev P continues.

David. “You leave Michael Jackson’s back door out of this.

An obvious question, I know, but who’s the most likely to get in a fight?

David: “It’s Kev.”

“And I’m the weakest out of the four of us,” bassist Kevin Hendrick offers. “Just give me a bit of booze and give me a bit of bruise. I wouldn’t know how to throw a punch if I tried.”

Kev P: “You do know how to throw a punch...”

Ken V: “Ken Penney, for the tape machine, is six foot four and bruises like a peach. I’ve got very boney knuckles, and I gave him the hugest most disgusting tattoo bruise I’ve ever seen. But violence is not the answer. We’re pacifists.”

David: “Hence the album title.”

The band are playing Livid as part of their Brisbane sojourn. Do you enjoy festival shows, or do they just present a good excuse to go celebrity stalking?

David: “Festivals sound shit, because no one gets a soundcheck and it’s all rushed, but they’re brilliant fun.”

Kev H: “We played Tea In The Park in Scotland, and I took a series of photographs of Kev, and I make him out of focus and zone in a famous person standing behind him. We got great pics of Sonic Youth and Ian Brown and all that. But we don’t stalk them. Sonic youth we’re scared of us. We all talked to them, and we call came back with the same story. They all looked terrified and very uninterested.”