Razel: Sub-Humans.

25 November 2002 | 1:00 am | Peter Madsen
Originally Appeared In

Suffer The Children.

Razel launch Suffer In Submission at the Troccadero, Surfers Paradise on Friday and the Gabba Hotel on Saturday.

Local all girl trio Razel hit the stage this weekend to launch their new single Suffer In Submission. Guitarist Andy and drummer Claire took some time to Answer a few questions about their new baby.

Tell us about the new single Suffer In Submission.

Both: "The new single- so far so good! Its selling well and we got airplay on lots of radio stations. The clips been on rage and people like it ‘cause its pretty funny so, hooray, what a win!"

What's rockin' your world at the moment?

Claire: "Having some cash. It's opened up a whole new world of bad Sundays for me, ha ha. The cash and the gigs. Ours and other peoples... and writing. I think we'll be writing more stuff very soon we're getting all crazy again."

Andy: "Um, well, I've just been working, and writing, and going out with friends. Been having heaps of fun muckin' up as usual."

What's your best on the road story?

Claire: "Kel (our gut growling Latino bassist) had INTENSE laryngitis on a short trip to northern New South Wales once. Us and The Vagrants were goin’ balmy on voddies at Evans Head and Kel was trying to sleep in the same hotel room. She tried to sound as menacing as possible, but ‘if youse don't fuckin’ shut up soon and let me get some fucking sleep I’m gonna get up and saw your fucking legs off’ just doesn’t sound menacing in a husky whisper... Needless to say she became the joke of the day til the wee hours..."

Who's most likely to turn up late for a gig? What's your best excuse?

Both: “Kel. Excuse is always ‘I had to come from Burpengary and I’m stuck in traffic and I haven't eaten!"

How would you explain the band's personal relationship with Satan?

Claire: "He used to shack up with the old lady next door. I was so jealous. But its okay ‘cause according to some folks, I'm some distant relative and I'm not big on incest. Some times he comes over for beers before a show."

What does Brisbane need more of? Or less of?

Both: "More fun. More easy to access venues, less discotheques, less competitiveness, cheap taxis, less painted cows. Less preachers at central. More Maccas.”

What's on the horizon?

Andy: “World domination of course... What else?”

Claire: "Um trees... Some High Rises... Us in a big truck shootin’ off to tour the nation and have more fun."