Personal Best Records: Leighton Craig from Primitive Motion

2 May 2012 | 6:45 am | Staff Writer

Leighton Craig from Primitive Motion takes us through his favourites.

Best record you stole from your folks' collection?
Without a doubt the jewel in the crown is Gerry Anderson Presents TV Favourites Vol.1, featuring standout adventures like Captain Scarlet vs Captain Black and Perils Of Penelope (Thunderbirds). I covet that record.

First record you bought?
I can't recall exactly – serious buying started at age 16, when I used to purchase cassettes. After several misfires, the teenage purchase that flicked the switch for me was The Chills' Lost EP.

Record you put on when you're really miserable?
Robert Wyatt's Rock Bottom. Seminal album from the depths of despair. Sad music is always uplifting.

Record you put on when you bring someone home?
Bring someone home? I sometimes have friends for dinner. Does that count? Open the door to guests with Arthur Lyman's Taboo. Nancy and Lee over dinner. When you've had enough, I've always found a full-volume Borbetomagus record helps show them the door. Fools!

Most surprising record in your collection?
Most friends probably don't realise how much I like Randy Newman. Particularly the Good Ole Boys and Sail Away LPs.  

Last thing you bought/downloaded?
The three new LPs on the exemplary Negative Guest List records – landmarks in Australian primitivism: Mad Nanna's I Made Blood Better, Sky Needle's Rave Cave and Ragtime Frank's The Truth. Part of the rich legacy of Brendon Annesley. With respect.

Primitive Motion play Crossbows Festival @ Queensland Conservatorium on Saturday 12 May. Home Of The Future EP available for free download at