Piperlain Mined Some Deeply Personal Seams For Mother Mourned

2 May 2017 | 7:11 pm | Louis Costello

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Folk-rockers Ben Knight and Rebecca Voorn-Knight, aka Piperlain, have just released their latest album, Mother Mourned, which proved to be yet another bonding experience for the pair. "The album idea came from our collective experiences with our mothers passing," Knight explains. "The album is about two people growing up caring for mothers with illness and the emotional struggles of working through innocence, despair, grief and release."

Track Escape proved to be a particularly emotional experience for Knight, who, writing the song on the train, would have to "hold in [his] sorrow and tears while surrounded by strangers". Incorporate the fact that Knight also pulled acoustic tunes he recorded in his childhood, and the result is a deeply personal album.

Of the album, Knight explains that "several songs were played live before the album was recorded", which "allowed us to experiment and grow the songs". Preparation seems to be key for Knight, however, while they usually "record a lot before coming into the studio" to ensure a smooth process, no amount of preparation could have helped them avoid this little snafu in the recording studio. "There was a snake!" Knight recounts. "We woke it up and it decided to relocate, but we lost where it went. It was nerve-wracking tracking for the next several hours until the snake catcher arrived."

Of course, the album was not just the brainchild of Knight and Voorn-Knight. "Input from Josh (Telford), Paul (Iannuzzelli) and Jackson Barclay really made the album grow and when it all comes together the feeling is awesome!"