Newtown Festival Focus: Palms

9 November 2018 | 5:12 pm | Artist Submission

"Newtown can really feel like a haven in Sydney, and that's worth celebrating."

More Palms More Palms

Answered by: Al Grigg - singer/guitarist

Presumably you’ve been to the Newtown Festival before, what’s your favourite memory? I used to live right near Camperdown Park so I would wake up on the morning of the festival to the sound of bands sound checking. So many good memories, but I remember one particularly amazing Newtown Festival kick-on at a friend's house where everyone ended up on the roof.

Lots of suburbs put on festivals, but Newtown Festival is always particularly huge - why do you think that is? I think there's an incredible sense of community in Newtown and the surrounding suburbs. People are really drawn to that area and want to celebrate and bask in the reasons why they love it so much. Newtown can really feel like a haven in Sydney, and that's worth celebrating.

Favourite spot at the festival to chill and watch the world go by? Probably the Essential Stage, 'cos you can see all the bands. Plus it's on the outskirts of the festival, so you don't have to wade through the huge crowds of people.

What would be your entry into the dog show? A pink poodle on roller skates that can blow smoke rings and jump through them.

What is it about the Inner West that inspires so much creativity? I think it's made creative by all the artistic/culturally interested people that live there. Without sounding like a wanker, living in that bubble I often take for granted how much of an incredibly tolerant place it is. Anything goes and you can be whatever the hell you like. That's cool.

Of all the food stalls on offer at the Festival, what do you reckon is one we should definitely check out and why? The Newtown Locals collab looks very delish, Yulli's always does great food and I'm kinda keen to try Arepa Oz as well.

Where are you performing on the day? Essential Stage.