
26 September 2012 | 5:45 am | Staff Writer

Five minutes with Emily Steel.

Name and Role: Emily Steel – playwright

Describe your Fringe show. Man wears wetsuit for a whole week (stinky). Son tears hair out. Wife returns. Funny sad new play from Adelaide, about cuttlefish and not.

Can you tell us briefly about yourself/your company? I'm the playwright. I'm from Wales but I live over here now. The producer, director, designer and actors are South Australian. We first worked together on Sepia for Adelaide Fringe 2012 and won the Tour Ready award, so we get to work together again to bring the show to Melbourne.

How did you find your artistic calling? It was in the fridge, next to my car keys (I'm lying. I don't have a car).

What excites you about Melbourne Fringe? Showing Sepia to a new audience. Taking a show to Melbourne for the first time. Getting to meet new people and see new work. Also our accommodation has a pool.

What other shows are you looking forward to this Fringe? I want to see I Wish You A Boat (good title) and Show Me Yours, I'll Show You Mine (because I'm a perv).

WHEN & WHERE: Friday 28 September to Friday 5 October, Meeting Room, North Melbourne Town Hall