Album Focus: Kardajala Kirridarra

5 July 2017 | 3:02 pm | Artist Submission

More Kardajala Kirridarra More Kardajala Kirridarra

Answered by: Beatrice Lewis

Album title? Bardakurru Ngurra

Where did the title of your new album come from? It translates from Mudburra as 'beautiful country'. It is honouring the country (the land) where the ladies are from in the Northern Territory communities of Marlinja and Elliott, about halfway between Alice Springs and Darwin. 

How many releases do you have now? We have just released two singles Ngabaju (Grandmother's Song) and Ngurra (Rain Song). Our debut album comes out 7 Jul.

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How long did it take to write/record? We wrote and recorded it over two years on and off, I live in Melbourne so I would come to Marlinja and write for a few months with the ladies then head home.

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? It was very inspiring getting to know each other while we were bringing the album to life. It's very special making something so heartfelt together and we all bonded in a very deep way.

What's your favourite song on it? Currently it's Kirridarra. We worked with a great musician called David Williams and I love how he's played the guitar.

Will you do anything differently next time? We didn't record some of the songs in Marlinja (our home community) and they sound a bit different. Next time we will record everything at home on country.

When and where is your launch/next gigs? 5 - 8 Sep, BIGSOUND festival. Come!

Website link for more info?