Q&A: True Vibenation

11 June 2013 | 12:03 pm | Staff Writer

More cowbell = better. More psy-trance = not better.

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Name: Klue (Gabriel) Clouston

What the best venue – anywhere in the world – you¹ve played: Outdoor stages are always fun so festival sets are often favourites. We did a secret show in a park overlooking the Opera House and Harbour for an awesome event called Train Tracks, that was pretty special.

Is there one country you particularly love performing in? Australia, and it's not a country but would be awesome to perform on the International Space Station one day haha…

What part of the world has had the most influence on you, musically? We've definitely taken inspiration from a lot of African music, Afrobeat in particular. Also the reggae of Jamaica and the UK. And definitely the soul, Motown and hip hop of the US.

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Where have you experienced music really impacting and influencing a culture? Definitely all throughout Africa.

When it comes to your band – is more always better? Not always. More cowbell = better. More sleep the night before a show = better.  More psy-trance = not better.

What¹s one instrument you wish you could master? Definitely the kora. And the ngoni. And the mbira. And…

Do you have any pre-gig rituals?:Searching for missing band mates (Verbaleyes deep in conversation with someone and too polite to exit when absolutely necessary).

What¹s your favourite food dish? Anything ever served with Injera or Sadsa. True Vibenation is largely fuelled by Pad Khee Mao and Vietnamese Pork Rolls.

Can you recommend us a drink at the bar? Someone surprised me with lemon lime and bitters and tequila recently. I'd do that again. Many times.

Website link for more info? truevibenation.com/