Chelsea Grin

11 September 2013 | 11:59 am | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

Salt Lake City and deathcore don’t exactly go hand-in-hand. However, it matters little, with Chelsea Grin introducing a new section of fans to heavy music. Preparing to return to Australia for the second time in a year, had a quick chat with bassist David Flinn to get the lowdown on the upcoming Amity tour, plans for their visit and the progress of new material.

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Salt Lake City and deathcore don’t exactly go hand-in-hand. However, it matters little, with Chelsea Grin introducing a new section of fans to heavy music. Preparing to return to Australia for the second time in a year, had a quick chat with bassist David Flinn to get the lowdown on the upcoming Amity tour, plans for their visit and the progress of new material.

G’day Dave, thanks for chatting with us, how has the year been for yourself and Chelsea Grin so far?

Hi Kane, thanks for having me. This year has been great for the band. We started it off with Soundwave, which was an incredible experience. After that we did our second headlining tour (Sick Tour 2) in the States, which was amazing. We finally got to play in Russia on the Mosh Lives tour with Emmure. So it has been great and there are only good things happening for the rest of the year.

Speaking of good things, Australia, two times in one year. Fans down here can’t complain with that. Tell us your thoughts on the upcoming tour with Amity.

We couldn’t be happier about coming back to Australia so soon. We fell in love on Soundwave. I’m pretty sure no one wanted to leave. This Amity tour is going to be one of the biggest tours we have done overseas ever so we are beyond excited. It’s going to give us a chance to play to a lot of people who have no idea who we are and we love that. Plus it is with a bunch of friends so it’s going to be a hell of a time.

As you’ve mentioned a few times already – Soundwave. How was Soundwave? What stood out most for you?

I couldn’t believe how many people were into heavy music there. It is nice to see a huge mass of people going nuts to Slayer or Metallica or any of the other bands. The thing that stood out to me the most was Soundwave’s set up. I remember one day our dressing room was right across from A Perfect Circle and thinking I’m 20 feet from one of my heroes and then my head exploded. All of the bands were just so cool and laid back.

On the topic of heavy music, I remember Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder said they were almost a gateway band for younger kids to get into death metal. How much do you think this rings true for a band like Chelsea Grin? At Soundwave it seemed to be a younger fan base checking you guys out.

We are beyond honoured to even be looked at as such a band. It blows me away when I see how young of a crowd is coming out to see us. For whatever reason we do seem to be a bridge band between metal and mainstream and I love it. If we can convert even one kid into a metalhead or get a person to open their mind to something they aren’t familiar with then we are doing our job.

Speaking of opening minds, there’s so much debate and analysis with genres these days. Everyone wants to put the suffix ‘-core’ at the end of everything. What’s your take on the whole genre-labeling thing?

Fuck labels, kids these days will judge a band before they have ever heard them simply because of their genre. These labels also seem to limit a band and what they can put on a record without being judged. We got a lot of crap after our ‘Evolve’ EP because we has a few singing parts. Trust me kids, the last thing a musician wants is to be judged for experimenting.

When do you think you’ll be sitting down and working on a follow-up to ‘My Damnation’?

We are as we speak. After this next run we will be heading into the studio. Hopefully we will be releasing a full-length earlier next summer.

I remember when you released your Korn cover it was mentioned how the band wanted to release it as a free download or .99c on iTunes, but the label had other plans. What was the situation there?

I don’t think labels like the idea of free music (laughs).

When you’re a lot younger right before you first get into metal, the music and imagery seems to scare the hell out of you. What was the album that got you into metal, but at the time confused you equally?

I would have to say Slayer’s ‘Reign in Blood’ was that for me. The album artwork was pretty satanic and at the time I was raised by a Christian family so it was very frightening for me but I couldn’t stop listening to it. Look at me now mum (laughs).

What are you looking forward to doing in Australia this time around?

I really would love to see more of the local side of things. We are all about eating so if you know of any must go to places please let us know.

I’m sure we’ll be able to recommend some good places.

Just some easy ones to finish off with before I let you go Dave, favourite album of 2013?

Well it actually came out November of 2012, but I count it as the best album of 2013 - that being Deftones’ ‘Koi No Yokan’.

Most disappointing album of 2013?

I don’t like dogging on any albums because it takes a lot of work to make one.

Fair enough…and, favourite song to blare in the tour van?

Everything Went Black by The Black Dahlia Murder.

Good choice.

Thanks for the interview today, really appreciate it. We are excited to be on the presents package for the tour and look forward to catching up with you guys in Melbourne.

No problem. Thanks for giving us the opportunity. See you guys soon.

Chelsea Grin play the 'Brothers In Arms' tour with The Amity Affliction, Stick To Your Guns and In Hearts Wake. Dates and details here.